Awesome VRChat
Here you can find an awesome curated list of the best content and mods for VRChat!
The VRC Modding Docs team is not responsible for any copyright content within these pages or the actions of their authors.
If you would like to contribute, please open a features request under issues or a pull request! We gladly accept all contributions, so if you see anything interesting you would like to add, please be our guest!
If your client is obfuscated and would like your client to be verified, please reach out to tope#0001 on discord and he will take you through the verification process. Full sourcecode is NOT required.
If your client is unobfuscated, and you would like it added, just send a copy of the mod to tope#0001 on discord!
If your content is already on github and would like to see it here, just open a features request under issues!
If you would like your mod or client taken down, please make a feature request under the issues section from which you would like to be removed!
- Awesome VRC Mods
Avatars and Assets
The best places to get great avatars and assets!
- VRCMods - The largest and most well known collection of assets and avatars
- - A great place to find free avatars and assets with great uptime!
- VRCArena - If you are looking for furry avatars this is the place for you
- Booth - Anime anyone? You can find many high quality paid anime models here.
- Gumroad - Another great place to find HQ paid avatars! Not as many as booth, but more english friendly
Modding Tools
- Melonloader - The most used mod loader for VRChat
- BepinEx - A good alternative if you don’t want to use MelonLoader
- UnityExplorer - An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
- DnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor, great for looking through VRC libs
Open Source Clients
Who can argue with open source?
Quality of Life Mods
Quality of life mods for VRChat. Make your playing experience better!
Utility Mods
Frustrated with how VRChat works? There might be something here for you!
Verified Clients
Verified Safe Clients for VRChat. Don’t worry about safety anymore!
- Blaze’s Client - Blaze is a very reputable and trusted friend of mine and he makes great stuff! So go show him some support!